Bobtails are equipped with a delivery pump and LPG meter is optional.
Available options for pump drive :
- From truck’s PTO by hydraulic drive.
- From truck’s PTO by shaft.
- Electric motor.
Isısan will determine the right configuration and select the right equipment, depending on his experience, the customer’s requirements, the truck’s specifications and the local market conditions.
LPG bobtail with meter can manage the following tasks:
- LPG transfer through the meter and the hose reel,
- LPG transfer through the pump, but not the meter,
- Unloading LPG from an other tank, transferring into the bobtail,
- Transferring LPG from other tank, into a different tank.
Isısan is an experienced superstructure manufacturer and follows the procedures and guidelines given by the truck manufacturers during the bobtail assembly. Our practices guarantee a safe and quality ride and will not pose a negative effect on truck components.
- Manufacturing and testing of the tanks are made under supervision of an independent inspection body.
- Fine grain pressure vessel steels are used for manufacturing the tanks. Metallurgical and mechanical properties of the steels are tested and verified.
- All welded joints are tested according to the manufacturing standard. A combination of X-ray, ultrasonic, dye penetrant and magnetic particle tests is utilized.
- After manufacturing, all tanks are subjected to hydrostatic pressure test. After this test, the connections of tank accessories are tested against leaks, using nitrogen.
- Tanks are sand blasted and coated with premium quality paints. The right type and thickness combination of primer, undercoat and top coating are determined according to the above ground or under ground service. Isısan quality will offer highest performance during the whole service life of tank.
- Isısan’s transportation tank designs and assembly details conforms to international standards and the truck manufacturer’s procedures and guidelines.